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@ByteInBits PROGRAMMING QUEST #4 #98187 and #98369
Sorting the list of random numbers was an interesting challenge in this task; for example, the correct ordering of 6531, 65 in set 4. Here’s how I tackled that part:
def cnvrtsort(s):
#convert set s to a list with string values sorted in descending order
sstr = [str(elem) for elem in s]
sl = list(sorted(sstr, reverse=True))
sc =compare(sl)
#Combine sc to get a single number and print
def compare(s):
#compare consecutive elements and swap if needed
for i in range(0,len(s)-1):
if s[i][:len(s[i+1])] == s[i+1]:
a = s[i]
b = s[i+1]
if s[i+1]>rmv:
#swap order
s[i] = b
return s