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The National Cipher Challenge

Reply To: Yet another 10B post


Ok Harry, I really hope you can answer this because I’m losing hope here! 😔
Am I right to assign the different trigrams a letter? In which case I got "abccdefbeghijjekklkejjeglimknbihckopeqqdmhrbqfsktakneemsumtvojijmbdjltklemokwjejujjknelhlklpegaxbcejcdgbhb......"
But then substitution leads to nothing, the frequencies are really funky and don’t seem flat enough to be a Vigenere but also not normal enough to be Transposition.
Was my first step correct though? If it wasn’t, please reply with something even if you have to censor some of this. Although I don’t think I’ve said anything that people haven’t already tried.

I think there are too many trigrams in the cipher text for there to be one per letter, and in any case the fact that the individual characters appear exactly the same number of times suggests that it is unlikely that the cipher works like that. Did you look into the clue in Case File 10.8? It could be very helpful, and even if you don’t immediately see how, it is worth researching it to see if anything clicks. Good luck, Harry

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