Printing your Certificates
After all that effort you will be hoping for some recognition and we are here to serve!
You will find find certificates recording your current achievements in the Your Submissions tab on your account page. You can download these to print and show off to your teachers and friends! By default the certificates will show your team name, since, to protect your privacy, we don’t store your names,but you can change that here. We won’t store those personal details, but will show them on screen allowing you to print the pdf with your preferred name.
Certificates for each round will be available alongside feedback, so whether you can get them straightaway will depend on whether or not we have switched on instant feedback. We sometimes delay it to make things more interesting, but you will be able to download your certificates at the end of each round.
From Challenge 4 onwards we will also issue certificates showing how you are doing in the overall leaderboards.
You can download and print all your certificates for you and your team, and might want to share them with your teachers so they can bask in the glory too!

By the way, if you want your teachers to have their own access to your scores then make sure to ask them to register a teacher account and to give you their Monitoring PIN number so you can link your account to theirs. You can find out more on the how to pages.