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Reply To: Puzzles


@madness you are right – I have just wrote code to solve them
(I wrote code only to make them and somehow things got muddy.)

With #10 There are:
34 answers with bottom row restricted to 20 as a highest number
48 answers with bottom row restricted to 30 as a highest number
60 answers with bottom row restricted to 40 as a highest number

Here is the correct #10 puzzle (again sorry)
(easy by code but we are meant to fill in the blanks unaided manually by pencil (and eraser!)

_________xxx 228
_______xxx xxx xxx
______xxx xxx 054 xxx
____029 xxx xxx 026 036
__xxx 013 xxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 009

PUZZLE #9 had a number missing,
5th row down 4th number across the number 28, now try it!

_________251 xxx
_______xxx xxx xxx
______xxx xxx xxx xxx
____xxx xxx xxx 028 xxx
__xxx xxx 019 xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx 007 005 011

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