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Reply To: The official Challenge 10 tips and hints thread

The Body in My Library Forums Harry’s Meeting Place The official Challenge 10 tips and hints thread Reply To: The official Challenge 10 tips and hints thread


Hi Harry, if we’ve solved 10b, and have been told that we may be asked for a write up of our methodology in future, then roughly when would we have to submit it, and how long would we have to write it.

Also, are there any guidelines for what we should write and include, and how we should present it; this is the first time our team has made it this far in the competition so we are in unfamiliar waters.

Any tips are appreciated, thanks in advance.

[All good questions. We are looking for evidence that you cracked it yourselves, and that you wrote any software that you used, but more importantly we are looking for how you broke it. What was the insight that led you to the solution. What blind alleys did you go down and how did you find your way out. You can read some past examples on the resources page, or you could read Claire Charlotte’s account on We love reading them all and will be grateful for whatever you can send, but do be aware that we will ask a number of teams to do this and there are only four prizes, so You shouldn’t spend too long on it and it doesn’t have to be a polished essay.
Good luck, Harry]

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