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The National Cipher Challenge

Reply To: 9B


“I have started cracking it based on the case file today, and it worked at the start, but then some of the letters did not make sense (only one needle angled in a set of 6 or three angled or two angled the same way), and the letters I can crack seem to be a random sequence of consonants. Does it change after a couple of setences?”

I had this problem too, and it really set me back a while! I found today that my Python code to split the text up was buggy, and it didn’t like the slashes in the text. If you ran into the same problem as me, you’ll find that the code has reduced the overall character count and it’s no longer a multiple of six.

To fix it (as I am no programmer) I just replaced the |,\ and / characters with the numerals 1,2 and 3 before splitting the text, then changed it back after.

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